Focus Areas

Alternative housing subdivision

Social determinants may affect your health more than DNA does

Where you live, work, play and worship – factors called social determinants of health – can affect the quality and length of your life. Social determinants of health are influenced by how money, power and resources are distributed at local, national and global levels. Under-resourced communities often face higher risks for heart disease, stroke and other major health problems because of social determinants such as limited access to affordable and safe housing, healthy food and quality health care. These factors also impact the economic stability of a community.

How we’re changing societal factors

EmPOWERED to Serve partners with social entrepreneurs and local leaders who understand the unique challenges in their communities.

Galvanizing resources and volunteers, they create and implement sustainable solutions to:

  • Increase affordable housing options
  • Provide fair wages 
  • Improve school systems
  • Develop safe streets 
  • Provide access to healthy foods

Partner with us to create longer, healthier lives 

Amplify your passion to improve health in your community — become an EmPOWERED to Serve Ambassador. You can also lend us your voice as a You’re the Cure advocate for people living in under-resourced communities.

Follow EmPOWERED to Serve on Facebook.

Follow EmPOWERED to Serve on Twitter. 

Moblie Farmers Market

We Invite You to
Join Us!

The American Heart Association needs ambassadors with creative, generous mindsets and leadership skills to help raise awareness about heart disease, stroke and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. 

Eating Smart with Fruits and Vegetables

Adding more fruits and vegetables to a healthy diet is a powerful step toward a healthier, longer life.